Losing belly fat for women is really a hot topic in weight loss and nutrition, and belly fat is a major concern. Fat located in this area is particularly hard to lose, and has other medical problems related to its presence. Those persons with a lot of localized fat in the abdomen have a higher predisposition to heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Belly fat may also indicate there are higher levels of cortisol in the blood stream, making the person more insulin resistant, and therefore harder to lose weight. Belly fat in and of itself is a medical problem that has to be attacked from a medical, nutritional, and fitness standpoint in order to be overcome.
In spite what people think, there are some nutritional helps that will help get rid of belly fat? Probiotics found in yoghurt is a great start. The good bacteria in yoghurt products stave off yeast build-up and decreases insulin resistance. Another great help to lose belly fat is blueberries. Studies at the University of Michigan have found that those women who eat blueberries lose thirty-five percent more belly fat than anyone else. Yet another great suggestion is drinking at least three cups of green tea daily. It helps reduce belly fat in women as well.
The protein source found in lean meats, poultry (free-range, organic, please), and even whey protein based shakes help reduce belly fat in women. Protein helps burn fat, stabilizes insulin so that the body can burn even much more body fat and build muscle. Avoiding sugar, white flour, and processed foods are standard rules for following a good eating regimen, and it is no different for women who want to lose in the midsection. Choosing whole grains, and brown rice are the thing to do.
In terms of fitness, building the abdominal core is the focus in losing belly fat. Walking is a sure bet because it will strengthen abdominal muscles, anyone can do it, and it is free. Another great exercise to lose belly fat is swimming because buoyancy can be great resistance to strengthen the core, and reduce belly fat. For the more adventurous, both yoga and Pilates can reduce belly fat and burn fat, while building beautiful tone in all the right places. Any exercise done three times a week for at least thirty minutes. The trick to losing belly fat is to work on it consistently to get the results you want.
Some nutrition supplements might help as well. Taking apple cider vinegar tablets with Kelp, B-6, and Lecithin has been time honored proven to reduce belly fat. It is a supplement that has good results over time.
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